
Friday, July 25, 2008

Damery Weaver Canoe trip!

Wow what an adventure, we camped out in the elements created some awesome memories and are ready to do it again.
Good News first:
  1. Fun getting family together.
  2. Love camping out and eating over the fire.
  3. Finding wild blue berries and eating them.
  4. Fun canoeing down the river.
  5. Great time playing paintball especially when you shoot someone.
  6. Exciting time exploring the hidden creek.
  7. Canoeing the river while it is high and fast!
Bad News (we can laugh about it now):
  1. Ticks! Ack they are everywhere!
  2. Lightening while we are going down the river.
  3. Cold water and rainy wind.
  4. Trying to sleep while rain pours into your tent from the hurricane outside.
  5. Getting shot in paint ball ouch!
  6. Gas prices on the road! Ugh $4
  7. Canoeing the river while it is high and fast!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Damery Olympics

Thanks to the Wii I am getting in to Damery Olympic shape for the 2008 Damery Reunion Olympics. I have been working the Mario Olympics game and getting time on the Mario Kart World competition but the latest is the Wii Fit balance board and it is making me hurt in places reserved for torture. Ugh! Who would have thought some stretching positions would cause such pain.
But in the spirit of Damery Get 'r dun I am on the Know pain and No gain...or so it feels like it.
Look out for video and pictures from the Official Damery Olympics coming this September 2008.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Damery Reunion 2008 Countdown!

Yes finally the new year is getting in gear and we can begin to gather info from family as we prepare for the 2008 Damery Reunion. I am assuming it will be in the famed Blue Mound Convention center and I hope all are able to join in the activity and celebration.
If you are interested in keeping in touch with the living branches of the Damery Tree then shoot me an email or comment on this Blog and I will send you an invitation to GENI.Com a great family social site.
I have tried to add a reunion count down but it only shows that I need to tweak this theme or just pimp my own. Only so many hours in the day...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Damery Geni Time line

The Geni family tree site is really getting some good apps. They just added a forest function to show various connected tree's ... this is very cool. They also have a great time line function and keep growing a great web site. I like to think of it more as the living tree as it is kind of a social type of application and allows the various branches to keep in touch with each other. I see Ancestry as the more historical part of the online family tree arena.

Get connected!